I often get asked what my favorite flower is. For some reason, people don’t seem to understand that it’s like asking someone to pick their favorite child! 🙂 But, I do have to say that the “seasonal” flowers have a special place in my heart. Things like peonies, sweet peas, and hyacinth that we really only see at certain times of the year. They remind me of specific memories associated with each season. Fall happens to be my favorite season, and therefore dahlias are right up there on my list of seasonal favorites. Dahlias range in size from tiny button varieties which max out at about 2 inches in diameter, to giant dinner plate dahlias which can reach 10 inches in diameter or more. The range of color is even more impressive! dahlias are available in every color but blue & green, with some really lovely bi-color varieties as well. They also come in a number of different bloom stylies including anemone, water lily, ball and pom pom. The variety is just incredible. It makes it difficult to pick a few favorites to post photos of, but I’ll give it a shot: “Awe shucks”:
“Boogie nites”:
“Fuzzy wuzzy”:
“Peaches and dreams”
“Uptown Girl”:
If you have dahlias in your garden and enjoy bringing them inside to arrange & enjoy, check out this video of care tips from Leanne at the Flower Design Institute. Following her tips should make your cut dahlias last for at least 5 days! Have a flower you’d like to see featured on the Paisley Petals blog? Leave a comment & let me know!
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